Monday, October 30, 2006

life doesn't get much simpler than being a cranberry farmer in North Cove

Heather and I took a road trip to the coast to see our family, but took a detour on the way. We ended up in North Cove, where the Ocean Spray cranberries are grown, and where the beaches are wild (known for washing houses away)! I loved being with my sister, she's an incredible person.

Foggy forest on our way.


imallforgod said...

this is beautiful!

Hannah said...

Hi Rose! :)

Your pictures are lovely (especially the forest one, and the cool one of sand and leaves). Looks like a wonderful trip!

How are you today?

[Every innertube darted towards Avery - rather terrifying. Yikes! ]

Erick said...

oooh cool