Had I been born in, say, 1870, I would move to Columbus, Ohio and attend the Zanerian Art School, and become an ornamental penman.
Back in the day, penmanship was an art. These next two examples are done completely by hand. These graduates of the Zanerian College were required to pen their own diplomas!
Some of this script isn't even writing; it's much closer to actually drawing the letters, or engraving them.
And here is my favorite:
Nice, legible penmanship is no longer regarded as an important skill set for life, much less ornamental penman mastery.
I want to be a Master Penman. Hire me, someone! I'll pen your post-it notes, love letters, and wedding invitations for you! Forget Evite - pay me to do it. I'm not as talented as Francis B. Courtney, the Pen Wizard, but I have several fonts you can choose from.
I'm dead serious.