Thursday, April 18, 2013


Look these guys up!

The first guy in this video is cracking me up. He reminds me of Jeff. But wow - - the talent and patience to be in each others space like that is pretty impressive.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ollie's here!

My little buddy Ollie made his appearance early! 
Stats: 6 lbs. 6 oz., 19" long, super sweet & snuggly

*good morning eyes*
I'm so glad he's finally here, he's safe, he's doing great. My sister Heather was a courageous mama, and went for the natural birth route. She's my hero! I don't know if I could do that (coming from the girl with zero pain tolerance). It's going to be so fun to watch this little guy grow up. I'm looking forward to lots of play time & snuggle time.

Adventure isn't missing.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Smile, then cry, then smile again.

Watch this and find yourself with a huge smile!

She's this gal's landlady.
So awesome!!

And this video just made me cry...

The little buddy was fighting brain cancer when this happened. 
Again, so awesome!!

Thursday, April 04, 2013


You've got to meet Bob.

He's the man with the kind, sparkly eyes wearing the fishing hat that walks around Kirkland on nice days. I'd guess he's about 85.

I first met him about 8 years ago at a coffee shop on Lake Street. I was meeting a friend for my birthday, and he was there with his other pal (a sweeter Marty & Angelo from Return to Me come to mind). He somehow heard it was my birthday and made me a balloon animal.

I've never forgotten his sweet face.

Then yesterday I spotted him as I was walking to lunch. He probably thought I was crazy.

"Bob! You made me a balloon animal once!"

He grabs my hand. "Did I? Would you like another one? The kids just love them."

"Of course!"

He pulls out a long pink balloon, and before I know it, I have a poodle.

Thanks Bob! You completely made my day.

Monday, April 01, 2013

This was my dream as a girl...

...except it would be with wolves, and they would be nice.